Best Punchy spring greens Recipe

Green Cutlery
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These spring greens with crisp hazelnuts and anchovies and Parmesan make a delicious side dish for Easter dinner with the family.



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– 50g unsalted butter – 6 anchovy fillets – 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped – 500g spring greens, washed and shredded – 1 lemon, juiced – 50g finely grated parmesan – 30g hazelnuts, toasted and roughly chopped


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Set the lamb aside to rest while you melt the butter in a large frying pan over medium-low heat.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 1


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When it starts to bubble, add the anchovies and cook for two minutes, until they melt.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 2

Put in the garlic and stir. Fry for one more minute. Then add the greens and cook for eight minutes, until they wilt.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 3

Stir in lemon juice and parmesan to melt. Season, place in a bowl, and top with hazelnuts.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 4

Delicious Potato & spring onion breakfast pancakes onions 

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