Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts Recipe

Soft and fluffy fried doughnuts are simple to create. Melted butter and cinnamon sugar cover them. They outperform bakery doughnuts.


– ½ teaspoon Salt – ¼ cup White granulated sugar – 2 ¼ teaspoon Fast rise yeast a whole packet – ½ teaspoon Pure vanilla extract – 4 tablespoon Unsalted butter melted – 1 cup Milk warmed to 110°F – 1 Large egg room temperature and slightly beaten – 3 ¾ cup All-purpose flour – 6 cups Oil canola or vegetable for frying – ½ cup Unsalted butter melted – 1 cup White granulated sugar – 2 teaspoon Ground cinnamon

Sift flour into a large basin and put aside. Microwave butter until melted. Wait 4 minutes to cool. Microwave milk for 1 minute till 110°F. Too hot or cold milk kills or slows yeast. 



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Salt, sugar, yeast, vanilla, beaten egg, milk, and butter should all be mixed together in a stand mixer. Use a dough hook to add all the flour.



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Mix slowly until dough forms. Let it knead dough for 5 minutes on medium. Halfway through, check dough stickiness. It should be sticky and finger-free. Add flour ⅛ cup at a time until it becomes non-sticky. 



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Spray a large mixing bowl with nonstick spray and add dough ball. Allow to rise for 1 hour under cling wrap. Chill overnight in the fridge.



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Roll the dough to ⅛-1/4 inch thickness on a lightly floured board. Cut doughnuts using a 3 ½ inch biscuit cutter. You may reroll dough for additional doughnuts. Keep doughnut centers for holes.



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Place doughnuts on a cutting board or sprayed cookie sheet. Cling wrap. Let rise 2 hours.Oil in a big saucepan over medium heat. Heat oil to 350°F. Always monitor the temperature using a thermometer. It should be 350°F. 



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Fry two doughnuts. Cook each side for 1 minute. Heat until sides are faintly golden. I flipped them with a metal spatula. Once finished. Try to drop oil as much as possible.  



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Place on a paper towel-lined cooling rack to absorb oil. Reheat the oil to 350°F before frying again.Doughnuts should cool somewhat. 



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Melt butter in one dish and mix sugar and cinnamon in another. Dip doughnuts and holes in melted butter and cinnamon sugar. Return to cooling rack. Taste them fresh! 



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also see

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Nutella Swirled Banana Bread Recipe