Brain Teaser for Geniuses: Find the value of fruits in 9 Seconds!

The image above shows apple, cherry, and strawberry fruits. Readers must find the values of three fruit combinations and the missing value at the end.

This puzzle will test your reasoning and sharpness. Can you compute fruit and missing value in 9 seconds?

Did you recognize any fruit's value? Focus on the image to find the pattern. Speed up—time is running out.

Congratulations to readers who found each fruit's value and the missing value.


We see that the sum of three apples is 15 Therefore, 3 Apples = 15 Apple = 15/3 Apple = 5

Also, 3 Cherries + 2 Cherries + 1 Strawberry = 26 5 Cherries + 1 Strawberry = 26 Now, putting the value of apple we can get the value of cherry. Strawberry + 2 Cherries + Apple = 19 Or  Strawberry + 2 Cherries = 19-5 = 14

Now the value of cherries can be calculated as  5 Cherries + Strawberry - ( 2 Cherries + Strawberry)  = 26-14 =12 Therefore, 3 Cherries = 12 Cherry = 4

Now 5 Cherries + 1 Strawberry = 26 20 + Strawberry = 26 Strawberry = 26-20  Strawberry = 6  Now putting the value in the last part of the equation we get the missing value a

1 Cherry + 2.5 Strawberry / Apple = ?  We get 4 + 2.5 x 6/5 = ? 4 + 15/5 = ? 4 + 3 = 7

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