Sweet Potato and Black Bean Vegetarian Tacos Recipe:- I must confess that when I was sharing some of my favorite savory sweet potato dishes with you last week, I purposefully left off this particular recipe since the photographs made me feel sick to my stomach. Without a doubt, these tacos were deserving of being featured!
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Vegetarian Tacos Recipe
In the event that you have only glanced at their initial photographs, I thought it would be appropriate to share the recipe with you today. I took another shot of them yesterday afternoon under the beautiful autumn sunlight. There is little doubt that these photographs are an improvement; but, I am not entirely certain that they do them credit. The mix of orange and green is a vivid color combination, and now that I think of it, these may be a great supper option for Halloween.
Cookie was in the process of recovering from her injury (which is something that we try to avoid talking about) and we had just moved into my current small house when I first shared this recipe with you. It had been well over two years since the accident. It was a momentous occasion for me to finally acquire my very own dishwasher, washer, and dryer, all of which I continue to cherish to the maximum extent possible.
At this point, Cookie is back to being in excellent condition, and I am getting ready to relocate us to a living area that is more functional. There are fabric samples all about me, and I can’t seem to stop going back and forth between the several alternatives for the bed frame. Assist me!